Michael Gruber and Jo Gibb on the CATS film


Michael Gruber

"Munkustrap is really the storyteller – he's entrusted with giving the information to the other, maybe younger cats who have not been to the Jellicle Ball before. He gets up and says exactly what they're here to do, he's also caretaker of the kittens, wants to make sure everybody's safe, in all the Macavity scares he's there, to – protect the tribe. So he is the protector.

One of the highlights [of the film] is working with Sir John Mills. I mean, who would have thought? To see Gus played by an actor of age, and of theatrical heritage, I mean really, it puts a whole spin on it that I don't think has ever been seen before. And Sir John… it's like a lesson in acting, and to be able to sit back, and - I don’t think there was a dry eye, each time. And to be around his energy is something I will, you know, cherish my whole life.

I didn't really expect [the film] to be this difficult. It's probably been the greatest challenge of it because the focus hasn’t really been on figuring out what to do, it's sort of been figuring out how to do it."

Jo Gibb

"I'm Rumpelteazer and I'm part of a duo, which is Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer. And we’re the two naughtiest CATS, in CATS I suppose. We're always doing what we shouldn’t, getting up to mischief, and creating hassle for everyone else. The number Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer takes us through a process of that, when we decide to go out burgling – which we do often, of course. But… she’s lovable at the same time, cheeky, she's always getting a clip round the ear from the older CATS… but they like her really. (smiles)

It's difficult to create an atmosphere for film. You've got to click it on (clicks fingers) and click it off. I've realised just how hard it is for TV actors or film actors, by comparison to stage actors, to grab a moment from nowhere, when they've been sitting down for a coffee and then they say 'Right! Let's go for that shot.'

This is the definitive version of CATS, it's an honour actually to be used in it… and I've got this now and forever, the production with Elaine Paige in it, with Ken Page in it, all the brilliant people we've got to work with. And I'm along with them! And I've got this now on video, to show my kids in later life."