

The gourmet cat was of course Cumberleylaude,

Who did very little to earn his dinner and board,

Indeed, he was always out and about,
Patronising the haunts where he would find,

People are generous and nice and kind,

Serving good food to his culinary lout!


With care he chooses his place to dine,

And dresses accordingly, if he has time,

Tasting all that Neville Road offers,

With never a thought for anyone's coffers!


The best is only fit for the best he opines,

When he wants salmon, or duck, or expensive French wines.


Until one day when he will find,

All of the doors closed and the windows blind,

Then monocle and cane he will have to discard,

And realise that hunting isn't so hard,

That mouse is tasty and starling sweet,

And that Neville Road is a bounteous street!