(Please note, that a website doesn't need to have every single requirement listet for a certain award)
The Cognizant Wiseman Page Award
- All lyrics
- Information about all Jellicle Cats
- name meaning lists
- information about at least ALW and TSE or - even better - the full creative team
- at least one cast list
- facts about CATS
- a CATS dictionary
The Aesthetical Dancer Page Award
- A very nice page design
- at least some pretty graphics
- nice pictures of the Jellicles chosen
- pictures from various productions
- perhaps some costume and make up designs
The Fanciful Kitten Page Award
- A nice design
- many nice photos
- beautiful graphics
- fanart
- fanfiction
- costume and/or make up design
- cosplay
The Queen of the Nights Page Award
- all lyrics
- all (or most) of Eliot's original poems
- lyrics cut from most productions and non-used lyrics (e.g. Tim Rice's Memory)
- lists of vocal requirements of the cast
- music files and recordings or videos
- information abou the songs and music in CATS
- information about the choreography and dancing in CATS
The Kittenish Cub Page Award
- one or more CATS quiz(zes)
- graphics
- fun graphics
- games
- fun stories
- spoofs
- jokes
- everything funny related to cats
Other Awards include
The Multifacetted Tribe Page Award
Which requires at least two of the requirements of each category above.
The Dedicated Thespian Page Award
For fan pages not only of CATS but of various musicals and plays.
The Mysterious Magician Page Award
For a page that focuseson the mysthical divinity of unashamed felinity and all the magical and mysterious components of CATS.
The Swooning Enthusiast Page Award
For a fansite mainly dedicated to a certain character or other component of the musical.